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Binaural music for health

How this cds works:
Brainwaves are the result of electrical activity in the brain as the neurons communicate with each other. The changes in this electrical activity depend on what the person is doing. Our brains cycle through different states throughout the day and night. These brainwave states incorporate Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta frequencies at different levels with one frequency dominating at any given time. The dominant frequency determines your “state of mind.” This concept is perfectly described by Anna Wise in her book, "Awakening the Mind" (Tarcher/Putnam, New York): “Each state that you experience entails a symphony of brain waves, with each frequency playing its own characteristic part. This finely woven, intricate interrelationship of brain-wave frequencies delicately determines your state of consciousness. While you are rarely producing only one type of brain wave at a time, each category of brain waves has its own qualities and characteristics.” Your brain responds to vibrations from rhythmic sounds. Using this cd properly, your brain will mimic the frequency that comes through the headphones. In this way you can guide your brain into different states, even shifting your state of consciousness. Remember that you MUST use some good headphones to hear all the frequencies and have the maximum of result (do not use portable mp3 in-ear headphones for this). It is like a medicine, you have to use some of it every day and is not sure that it will work but why not to try? In the worst case you will remain the same and have listen some music. Good luck!

Postcard's show

I begin this show with my Postcards suite, 6 songs from 6 postcards I received in 1997 when I composed this. And show continue with the images from the odiens where I will create a song by inspiration.

Piano solo

A wide selection of famous songs arranged to piano by me and songs from my piano solo records. Intense and addictive.

Organ solo

A wide selection of "not properly for organ" songs arranged for the church organ. I also do celtic music on the organ following my "The celts on the organ" record idea, maybe with other instruments following on request.

Celtic music shows

Marco Brena's celtic band, this is the name. Keys, percussions, flute and voice. We will play songs from our 4 celtic records with some famous or particular songs from the celtic tradition.